Women’s Independent Press

Informing Women About Our World

The Science of Relaxation

June 01, 2011 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

Written and researched by
Deanna Markesteyn LMT BA RYT

The Pineal gland stimulates the release of melatonin, the biochemical also referred to as the Fountain of Youth. Humans have astonishing systems for healing, loving, feeling, living. Our bodies truly work as a holistic system. Two of my favorite components of the body are the Endocrine system and the Autonomic Nervous system; they work hand in hand. Humanity has developed simple ways to tap into the powers of these systems through music, song, chanting, praying, mantra, dancing, yoga, yoga nidra and massage. There are so many methods for tapping into our bodies healing capabilities, because humanity has been doing it for thousands of years and in many different cultures.

The autonomic nervous systems have two branches, the fight or flight: the stress producing aspect also known as the sympathetic nervous system and the rest and digest: the relaxation producing aspect, also known as the parasympathetic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system governs the endocrine system, producing and regulating hormones to generate homeostasis of the body. The endocrine system produces hormones that help digest food, regulate body temperature, get one out of harm’s way or ready to fight. They also elicit emotions, fears, healing and love.

Dr. Candace Pert refers to the body as the sub conscious mind; she professes that biochemicals flow and resonate, distributing information to every cell in the body simultaneously. In her book “Your Body is Your Sub Conscious Mind” she unlocks the secret of how emotions literally transform our bodies—and create our health. Dr. Depak Chopra claims that we have the ability to tap into this wealth of biochemicals by tapping into the internal pharmacy. We can tap into these systems by targeting and stimulating the parasympathetic nervous system. We can heal many physical issues by balancing the autonomic nervous system.

One simple technique was developed by Dr. Herbert Johnson from Harvard Medical School of Medicine. The relaxation response is a key phrase developed by Dr. Hebert Johnson MD; he has researched the effects of the autonomic system being in balance and how healing results from this balance. When our body systems are in balance we are in a better state of mind, better health and are simply happier. The relaxation response releases bio chemicals that are reparative, feel good hormones, such as Serotonin, Melatonin, and Somatotropin. We have the power to tap into our very own internal pharmacy through rhythm, sound and vibration.

For eons humanity has devised methods to trigger the relaxation response: prayer, singing chanting, dancing, yoga, massage. All of these methods have certain aspects in common. They help to create a state where you can quiet the mind, the state of Dhahran. Practices are ancient and modern. A few of these practices include saying the rosary, chanting a mantra, receiving a massage, mediation, yoga or dancing. They all trigger the parasympathetic nervous system, in turn causing a cascade of healing biochemicals. A simple yet profound practice simply requires that you close your eyes and breathe. You have the power to create a steady mind simply by creating a steady breath, overcoming the busy mind. Albert Einstein exclaimed “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” Quieting your mind allows a person to achieve clarity as well as peace and better health.
Advanced Bodywork Massage and Yoga http://directory.vistaprint.com/dir/us/PA/Warrendale/Advanced-Bodywork-Massage-and-Yoga/
Deanna Markesteyn LMT BA RYT deannam@massagetherapy.com

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