Business Exchange Networking Lunch
* Give a 1-2 minute commercial for your business.
* Bring business cards, brochures, and samples.
* Make new business contacts.
Dates and Locations:
Sept. 4- Wexford, Atria’s, 12980 Perry Highway, Wexford
RSVP: email Michelle Zmijanac at
Sept. 11- Mount Lebanon, Atria’s, 110 Beverly Rd, Mt. Lebanon
RSVP: email Tina Noblers at
Sept. 25- Fox Chapel, Comfort Inn (Old Holiday Inn) in RIDC
Park, Ohara Twp
RSVP: 412-781-8773 or
Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Cost: $18 (Bring cash; No-shows will be billed for the lunch)
RSVP: By Monday prior to the event
For more info, go to:
The WSBA Network Lunch
A Networking Luncheon for Women Business Owners & Professionals
“Get Heard, Get Noticed, Get Leads”
A networking event open to any business woman who would like
to increase her business contacts/clientele. Our networking
format will be structured to provide participants with high
profile and networking. Bring 20-30 business cards/brochures,
cash for your lunch check, and be prepared to give a 60-second commercial about yourself.
Sept. 4 - 1:00 p.m. - Butler
Sept. 5 - 11:30 a.m. - Allegheny Valley
Sept. 9 - 1:00 p.m. - Beaver County
Sept. 11 - 11:30 a.m. - Shaler/Gibsonia
Sept. 13 - 1:00 p.m. - Robinson/Airport
Sept. 17 - 1:00 p.m. - East End
Sept. 18 - 1:00 p.m. - South Hills
Sept. 19 - 1:00 p.m. - Washington
Sept. 20 - 1:00 p.m. - Monroeville
Sept. 24 - 1:00 p.m. - North Hills
Sept. 25 - 5:15 p.m. - After Work Network (5326 Butler St.)
Sept. 27 - 12:00 p.m. - Westmoreland
Host: Women’s Small Business Association
Fee: $2 meeting fee (plus the cost of lunch)
RSVP: Required (Note: Any “Yes” RSVPs who do not show
will be charged a $20 no-show fee.)
For more info and to register online,
go to::
Contact Eileen Conniff Marzullo for more information:
412-429-9919 or
: September 9, 2013
The Affordable Care Act:
The Facts, the Effects, and the Bottom Line
Speaker: Jacqueline Garry Lampert, Founder, Lake Street Strategies and Consultant to UPMC Health Plan
This workshop will provide a comprehensive review of changes that have already been implemented and a preview of what to expect for you or your business, including the new Health Insurance Marketplaces opening this fall. Register today to move past the hype and get the facts on how these changes affect business decision-makers and employees alike.
Date: September 9, 2013
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Place: Chatham University, Shadyside
Host: The Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Chatham University
Cost: Free (includes refreshments)
RSVP: Suggested by September 6
September 11, 2012
Business for Breakfast Networking Event
Featured Presentation:
Implement Social Media in 20 Minutes a Day
Presented by Cindy Rack, Social Voice Marketing
Today’s business environment is busier than ever. Trying to find
time to fit social media in the mix is getting harder and harder
even with tools like Hootsuite to manage our social media. Having a strategy is important, however, many strategy plans that are available are complicated and even keeping track with social media calendars consumes more time than actually posting and engaging with your clients and prospects.
Cindy Rack, Social Media Strategist and Owner of Social Voice
Marketing, will share with you a few simple yet powerful strategies and tactics that you can implement immediately without consuming a lot of your time. Whether you blog or not, you will benefit from these time-saving, social media strategies.
Date: September 11, 2012
Time: 8:00 - 9:30 a.m.
Place: Southpointe Golf Club, 360 Southpointe Blvd
Canonsburg, PA 15317
Hosts: Pittsburgh Business Times
Cost: $25 (includes cont.breakfast)
RSVP: Suggested by September 6 (Seating is limited.)
Register online at:
Register online at:
For more info, contact Kelli Komondor at 412-208-3845 or
Brown Bag Lunch
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
12:00 – 1:00pm
Speaker: Yolanda Frank, Optimal IQ Solutions
Topic: Everyday Cost Savings for Small Businesses
Learn how tracking your everyday business expenses can SAVE YOU MONEY. Discover opportunities to customize, collaborate, and work together to generate greater benefits and alternative purchasing options for real cost savings.
Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania
1650 Main Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15215
RSVP: 412.782.5344 x 209 or
September 13, 2013
South Hills Country Club
The monthly luncheon meeting of the Women’s Networking of the Brentwood Baldwin Whitehall Chamber of Commerce will meet on Friday, September 13, noon, at South Hills Country Club. Please plan on attending and bring a friend. We welcome members and non-members. Tables are available for ladies who would like to display products or merchandise. Everyone will pass out cards and brochures and present a one-minute “commercial.”
Guest Speaker
Pat Ulbrich, PhD, Project Director, In Sisterhood Project.
In Sisterhood: The Women’s Movement in Pittsburgh is an oral history project highlighting our region’s influential leaders in the women’s movement during the latter part of the 1900s. The project describes the strategies early feminists used and the organizations they created in pursuit of equal rights for women and girls in the region.
Plan to spend some time networking with other luncheon attendees.
Lunch for Chamber Members - $20 - Bring a friend!
Lunch for Non-Members - $25
Display Table $10
Please make a reservation by contacting
Mary Dilla at: 412-884-1233 /
September 14th …A Second Saturday Divorce Workshop for Women is being held on Saturday, September 14th from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at 2605 Nicholson Road, Franklin Park, PA 15143.
“This workshop is for women who are contemplating or in the early to mid-stages of the divorce process. This 4-hour information packed workshop is being taught by Julie Colton, a family law attorney, Donna M. Cheswick, a certified divorce financial analyst, and Donna Korczyk, a licensed psychologist to address the legal, financial and emotional issues associated with divorce. The workshop is an excellent supplement to professional advice and will help women to achieve optimum results while saving time and money. Individuals will gain important knowledge and resources that will inform, prepare and protect them as they gain a greater understanding of the divorce process. Cost to attend is $35 per person and pre-registration is necessary to 724-493-9695.”
September 18, 2013
How to Land Publicity for Your Business
Traditional print media are facing stiff competition from social
media. But traditional media remain strong. So why not publicize
your business in them?
Join on us on the evening of September 18 to interact with an
expert panel including:
* Hank Walshak, President of Walshak Communications, Inc. and Communications Expert for Experts
* Joyce Gannon, Business Reporter,Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
* Chris Posti, President, Posti & Associates and Careers Columnist for the Pittsburgh Tribune Review
You’ll learn plenty about generating feature coverage for your
business, including:
* The best way to relate to reporters
* What reporters want the most.
* What to do before you pitch stories to them.
* The best way to pitch stories to them.
* What to do before you participate in an interview.
* What not to forget after you land a feature.
Date: September 18, 2013
Time: 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Place: Sigmas Conference and Event Center, 1717 Babcock Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15209
Host: Pittsburgh Consulting Community
Cost: $35 by Sept. 1; $40 after Sept. 1
RSVP: Suggested by September 13th
To register, contact Michael Couch at or 412-952-9036.
Or register online at:
September 18, 2013
Military Connections Networking Event
Make great networking connections and experience an enjoyable
evening as you support our dedicated troops overseas. All proceeds
from this event go To Military Connections, a local non-profit that
sends care packages to our deployed service members. Learn more
about this organization at
Date: September 18, 2013
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Place: The Comfort Inn RIDC Park
Host: BLX Networking Group
Price : $15.00 before September 15th; $20.00 at the door
(Includes: Food, A Door Prize Ticket, Exceptional Networking)
Register online at:
(Click on the green Networking for A Cause Link on the home page.)
September 19, 2013
Disability Resource Breakfast
Thursday, September 19, 2013
8:30 – 9:30 AM
Speaker: Suzanne Caplan, author, business consultant and the founder of the Community Center for Aging in Place.
Topic: Aging with a disability
Even when you are blessed with good health, age takes a toll. Learn successful processes to navigate the challenges of mobility, pain, low energy and sudden injury. Create your own ability to live in one’s home and community, safely, independently and comfortably regardless of age, income or ability. Know how support systems can be the difference between success and failure.
Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania
1650 Main Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15215
RSVP: 412.782.5344 x 209 or
September 20, 2013
Women’s Power Lunch
Come be a part of the longest running networking luncheon in the Pittsburgh area. Bring 50 business cards or brochures to hand out and be prepared to give a short presentation on your business to introduce yourself to other business women and professionals.
Date: September 20, 2013
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Place: (To be announced), Pittsburgh
Cost: $32.00 (Prepayment required)
RSVP: By September 18th
Questions: Contact Suzanne at
or 724-452-5152.
Register online at:
September 26, 2013
Smart Leadership Conference
Smart Companies know that leadership includes teamwork, mentoring, motivation, inspiration and shared vision. Attend the Smart Leadership Conference to network with other leaders while you meet and learn the strategies and insights of these local leaders:
Keynote Speaker:
Travis Sheetz, Executive VP of Operations, Sheetz, Inc.
Smart Leadership Panel of Professional Women:
* Cherie River, Director, River Pediatric Therapies
* Kim McClure, National Sales Director Mary Kay Cosmetics
* Amelia Roncone Founder, Young Professional Women in Energy
* Jeanine Fallon, Senior Vice President, First Commonwealth Bank
Date: September 26, 2013
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Place: The Sheraton Station Square
Host: Pittsburgh Professional Women
Cost: By Aug. 30- $55; after Aug. 30- $65
(Table of 10 - $500)
RSVP: Suggested by September 16
Register online at:
September 26, 2013
Keynote Speaker:
Laurel Delaney
GlobeTrade, Chicago, Illinois
September 26, 2013
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Cecilian Hall, Seton Hill University
Greensburg, PA
What you’ll learn:
•Global small business trends, common myths about taking a business global, number of online users worldwide and information about the latest National Export Initiative.
•What it takes to capture the attention and business from people worldwide, including online users – movers, shakers, travelers and key influencers in our world (emphasizing the importance of using social media – with specific best practice examples).
•Where to look for help online in taking a business global and how to structure getting paid.
•The 10 disciplines to thriving in a wired inter-connected world.
Special Guests:
•Natalia Olson-Urtecho, Regional Administrator, U.S. Small Business Administration
•Lyn Doverspike, Director, U.S. Commercial Service, Pittsburgh Office
Don’t miss this chance to learn from these experts about reaching an international market! Join us on Thursday, September 26, 2013. Register today for just $25. (Registration includes luncheon and program.)
Smart Leadership Conference
Thursday, September 26th from 9am to 1pm at the Sheraton Station Square
Guest Speaker Travis Sheetz, VP of Operations from Sheetz Convenience Stores
and a panel of local women leaders.
Learn more and register online at
October 16, 2013
Let’s Celebrate
Save the Date
Valet Parking
Seating Will Be Limited
Three Extraordinary Women
Date: Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Time: 5:30 pm Cash Bar
6:30 pm Dinner
8:00 pm Celebration
Place: Nevillewood Country Club
Anna Marie Petrarca Gire, Beth Caldwell, Debra Dion-Krischke
These three women have made an incredible difference in so many lives and in so many ways. Their dedication to this region is extraordinary and I invite you to join me in celebrating their countless gifts. Mark your calendars now and look for instructions on how to register in early September. If you have any questions, please contact me, Julie Ann Sullivan, at 724.942.0486 or
The Harmony Line Chorus of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and the Greater Harmony Chorus of Sweet Adelines International will sponsor a FREE a cappella singing festival on Saturday, October 5, 2013. The Festival will be held at Glade Run Presbyterian Church, 1091 Pittsburgh Rd. (Rt.
Valencia, PA 16059. The hours will be from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. The choruses are excited to sponsor this free, first ever in the area, barbershop singing workshop for all music educators, and young men and women ages 13 and older.
We will also provide vocal Instruction from professional, certified, qualified barbershop clinicians, music, learning tracks, lunch and a Festival T-Shirt! This workshop is not a recruitment tool for the sponsoring choruses. Our purpose is to share an a cappella experience with these young students and show them that singing and harmony are lifetime pleasures.
Please contact Donna Knapp, Festival Coordinator: email is; home phone 412-828-3822, or cell phone 412-303-2741. Registration forms can be found at
Greater Harmony Chorus presents “Broadway Remembered” October 26 at 4pm.
Ingomar Middle School
1521 Ingomar Heights Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
tickets are $15 at the door and $12 in advance. Student/children $5. or 412-613-9800