Women’s Independent Press

Informing Women About Our World

Archive for October, 2015

Herstory of Domestic Violence

October 09, 2015 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

History of Battered Women’s Movement


Knowing our history is vital to pursuing our future. Violence against women has been sanctioned throughout
history and we need to know the struggles of those who came before us. By knowing our history we honor their
spirits, we keep the flame of justice alive and it brings us to the stark reality that we have much work still to do.

History of the Battered Women’s Movement
During the reign of Romulus in Rome, wife beating is accepted and condoned under The Laws of
Chastisement. Under these laws, the husband has absolute rights to physically discipline his wife. Since
by law, a husband is held liable for crimes committed by his wife, this law was designed to protect the
husband from harm caused by the wife’s actions. These laws permit the husband to beat his wife with a
rod or switch as long as its circumference is no greater than the girth of the base of the man’s right
thumb, hence “The Rule of Thumb.”
Wife beating is common in Europe and is endorsed by the church as the loving husband’s means of
correcting his wife’s faults.
1300 14th Century, Roman Catholic Church, Rules of Marriage, exhorted Christian husbands to “beat your
wives soundly, not out of malice or rage, but out of concern. For this will be to your benefit and to her
spiritual good.”
1600 Battered women shelters, as we know them today, may not have existed until the nineteenth century, but
abused women in Europe knew where to hide to escape their batterers – convents may very well have
been the first shelters for women trying to escape from the violence of their homes.
1767 British Common Law allows for a man to chastise his wife with a stick no greater than the length from
the last joint to the end of the thumb (the rule of thumb).
1871 Alabama and Massachusetts declare wife beating illegal.
1900s Wife beating receives public attention in the United States as it relates to the temperance movement, the
social purity movement and the women’s suffrage movement.
1910 U.S. Supreme Court denied a wife the right to prosecute her husband for assault because to do so
“would open the doors of the courts to accusations of all sorts of one spouse against another.”
Civil rights and anti-war movements challenge the country and lay the foundation for the feminist
1970 The first battered women’s shelter opens in Chiswick, England, by Erin Pizzey.
1971 The first rape crisis center opens in the United States by the Bay Area Women Against Rape.
1973 The first battered women’s shelter in the United States opens in St. Paul, Minnesota, by the Women’s
1974 Erin Pizzey, author of the first book about domestic violence from a battered women’s perspective,
publishes Scream Quietly or the Neighbors Will Hear in England.
1976 Pennsylvania establishes the first state coalition against domestic violence and becomes the first state to
pass legislation providing for orders of protection for battered women. Oregon becomes the first state to
legislate mandated arrest in domestic violence cases.
1977 Emerge, the first counseling program for men who batter, is founded in Boston, Massachusetts, at the
request of women working in shelters.
1978 The United States Commission on Civil Rights sponsors the Consultation on Battered Women: Issues of
Public Policy in Washington, DC. Over 100 nationally represented women come together to organize
around the needs of the newly formed battered women’s movement. The National Coalition Against
Domestic Violence (NCADV) is formed during the US Commission on Civil Rights hearing. However,
feminists did much of the groundwork and careful organizing across the country; specifically, Betsy
Warrior and Valle Jones. Incorporation papers for NCADV are filed in Portland, Oregon. Laura X begins
the work of the National Clearinghouse on Marital Rape by assisting a rape crisis center in Salem, Oregon,
with the trial of John Rideout – the first US husband tried for a rape he committed on his wife, Greta,
while they were living together. He was acquitted, and then publicly apologized.
1979 Over 250 shelters for battered women exist in the United States.
1980 Joanne Schulman’s research shows that marital rape is legal in 44 states, cohabitant rape in 13 states and
date rape in 5 states. Missouri enacted the Adult Abuse remedies law giving battered women civil
protection . Missouri Coalition Against Domestic Violence is formed There are nearly 500 battered
women’s shelters in the United States.
1983 Over 700 shelters for battered women are in operation across the United States serving 91,000 women and
131,000 children. St. Martha’s Hall, a shelter for abused women and their children, is opened in St. Louis
1984 The Duluth Project is formed in Duluth, Minnesota, to develop a coordinated criminal justice response to
domestic violence. The US Attorney General establishes a Task Force on Family Violence and conducts
hearings throughout the country to examine the scope and nature of the problem. The report spurs
Congress to pass the Family Violence Prevention Services Act – the first time federal funds are
specifically designated for programs serving battered women and their children.
1985 Tracey Thurman versus the City of Torrington, Connecticut, becomes the first case heard in federal court
of a woman suing city police for having failed to protect her from her husband’s violence which
permanently scarred and partially paralyzed her. She is awarded a 2 million dollar judgment. The US
Surgeon General issues a report identifying domestic violence as a major health problem for women.
1986 Battered women’s shelters house over 310,000 women and children. The first Domestic Violence
Awareness Month is held in October. With funds from the Johnson & Johnson Corporation and a national
fundraising effort called Shelter Aid, the NCADV establishes the first national toll-free domestic violence
1989 There are 1,200 battered women’s programs in the United States that shelter over 300,000 women and
children. US Attorney General C. Everett Koop warns that violence is the number one public health risk to
adult women in the United States.
1993 Violence against women is included as a human rights violation by the United Nations at its International
Conference on Human Rights in Vienna. The World Bank recognizes battering as a significant economic
problem in terms of health costs. Marital rape law and stalking law passed in Missouri.
1994 The US Congress passes the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) as part of the federal Crime Bill.
VAWA funds services for victims of domestic violence and rape, and provides training to increase police
and court officials’ sensitivity to domestic violence. $1.6 billion was authorized for the years 1994-2000.
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared that “violence is a leading worldwide public health
1995 Robert Goben becomes the first person to be prosecuted for possession of a firearm in violation of a
domestic violence protection order under the Violence Against Women Act in Lemmon, South Dakota.
Christopher Bailey becomes the first person convicted of a felony under the Violence Against Women Act
in crossing state lines (West Virginia and Kentucky) to assault his wife, Sonya Bailey. An anti-stalking
law signed by US President Bill Clinton makes interstate stalking and harassment a federal offense
whether or not the victim had obtained a protection order.
2000 The Violence Against Women Act of 2000 is passed reauthorizing funding for training and services for
battered women and their children and creating new programs. $3.3 billion was authorized for the years
2012 National leaders in the movement to end violence against women unite to
promote the NO MORE initiative, a groundbreaking symbol designed to
galvanize change and radically increase the awareness of domestic violence and
sexual assault in our communities.
2013 The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 is renewed for another five years, including
new and vital protections for college students, immigration women, tribal women and members of the
LGBT community. The bill also seeks to reduce the backlog of untested rape kits throughout the country,
provides needed assistance to law enforcement in prosecuting sexual assault crimes and additionally
assists law enforcement in investigating human trafficking crimes by also reauthorizing for four years the
Trafficking Victims Protection Act, a law that expired in September 2011.
This document is made available by Saint Martha’s Hall – Breaking the Cycle of Domestic Violence, in St.
Louis, Missouri. Much of the information presented here was compiled from the archives of the National
Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV).

Domestic Violence

October 09, 2015 By: admin Category: Consumer Education


Women worldwide ages 15 - 44 are more likely to die or be maimed as a result of male violence than as a consequence of war, cancer, malaria and traffic accidents combined.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) afflicts one American woman in four and claims a life in the United States every six hours. Far more Americans, mostly women, have been killed in the last dozen years at the hands of their partners than in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

1 in 3 women will become victims of domestic violence in their lifetime
1 in 3 teenage girls will be physically assaulted by a boyfriend
Intimate Partner Violence is the leading predictor of child abuse
Boys who witness intimate partner violence in their homes are 1500 times more likely to perpetrate abuse later in life
50% of girls growing up in an abusive home will go on to be victims of abuse themselves
Relationship and Gender Breakdown of Adult domestic Violence Victims:

About 1 in 4 women (24.3%) and 1 in 7 men (13.8%) have experienced severe physical violence by an intimate partner (e.g., hit with a fist or something hard, beaten, slammed against something) at some point in their lifetime.
An estimated 10.7% of women and 2.1% of men have been stalked by an intimate partner during their lifetime.
Nearly half of all women and men in the United States have experienced psychological aggression by an intimate partner in their lifetime (48.4% and 48.8% respectively.)
Most female and make victims of rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner (69% of female victims; 53% of male victims) experience some form of intimate partner violence for their first time before 25 years of age.
Impact of Violence by and Intimate Partner:

Nearly 3 in 10 women and 1 in 10 men in the United States have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner and reported at least one impact related to experiencing these or other forms of violent behavior in the relationship (e.g., being fearful, concerned for safety, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, need for health care, injury, contacting crisis hotline, need for housing services, need for victim’s advocate services, need for legal services, missed at least one day or work or school.)

Recognizing Partner Violence
Partner Violence occurs when one person in an intimate relationship exercises power and control over the other through a pattern of intentional behaviors, including psychological, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. There is no way to define a “typical” victim of domestic violence – it can affect anyone from any socioeconomic, demographic, geographic or educational background. The greatest risk factor for victimization is simply being a woman.
While most people are able to recognize an abusive relationship when it involves physical violence, relationships involving psychological or emotional abuse are more subtle, but no less destructive. If allowed to continue, these behaviors can escalate to include more physically dangerous abuse over time. It is important to recognize key characteristics of domestic violence so that abuse can be stopped before it becomes life threatening.
The progression of violence is outlined below, and includes repeated use of one or more of the following behaviors.
Verbal Abuse:

Put downs
Use of profanity
Unfounded accusations
Cruel and hurtful remarks
Degrading the victim in public
Diminishing accomplishments
Flying into rages

Physical Abuse:
Holding the victim down against their will
Throwing or breaking objects
Using a weapon

Emotional Abuse:
Controlling finances or employment
Lack of trust/Suspicion
Following or stalking the victim
Threats of suicide
Threats of taking away children
Threats of physical violence
Threats of murder
Minimizes or denies behavior, explosive or critical reactions

Sexual Abuse:
Forcing unwanted sexual acts
Use of weapons during sex
Forced sex involving multiple partners
Inflicts pain during sex

Tips for Legally Selling Goods at Flea Markets & Craft Shows

October 09, 2015 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

By mbramble
Flea markets and crafts shows have become a cultural phenomenon. Increasingly small businesses are mastering the quality of the artisanal goods that they make and sell. While these types of businesses usually start out as a hobby there are some steps that you should take to ensure that your business is selling goods legally.
Getting Started
Is this a business or a hobby?
First things first, find out if you are operating a taxable business. This is important because if you are in fact operating a business you will need an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Applying is simple and in many states you can complete the application online.
Should I register with the government?
After you obtain a tax ID number no further action is required with the Federal government. In some cases you may have to register with the state in which you are selling your goods. To find out more information you will have to check the individual state rules to apply online or by mail. Regardless you will need the EIN number to register.
What about permits?
You may need a permit on the local level. Many states require permits so that you can collect sales tax. To determine if you need a permit, visit your state government’s business portal on Business.USA.gov. Additionally, use the flea market organizers as a resource. Most likely they will be able to answer questions about state permits.

Paying Taxes
Do I need to pay taxes?
In short, yes you do. You will need to report profits and expenses on your Federal taxes. State taxes can be more difficult because laws may vary. Some states require you to pay taxes on all your sales while others have levels that must be met first. For more information, check with the event manager and the state tax agency.
Where do I pay taxes?
Sales and Use Tax law follows the rates and procedures of where you are selling the goods. If your business is located in Washington, D.C., and you sell your goods at a flea market in Connecticut; you will need to follow the Connecticut rates and procedures.
How do I pay taxes?
If you are selling in the state where you live, paying taxes is much simpler. If you made out of state sales make sure that you ask about taxes when you apply for state permits. In some cases taxes are collected at the event. Some states consider this the best way to make sure the taxes are paid and at the correct rate. If taxes are not paid at the event it is still your responsibility to pay.

SBA Celebrates National Women’s Small Business Month

October 09, 2015 By: admin Category: Consumer Education


By Erin Andrew, SBA Official
Women’s entrepreneurship is on the rise, according to preliminary data from U.S. Census Bureau, which shows that women are increasingly becoming small business owners. U.S. business ownership rose 27.5 percent for women, and overall, America added one million net, new businesses from 2007 to 2012, a period in which U.S. employment fell by 3.8 million.
This is exciting news, and as we celebrate National Women’s Small Business Month, it is important to not only recognize the contributions of women-owned businesses, but to help more women get started. Women still face many challenges when it comes to business ownership, and the SBA has the resources and assistance help Woman-Owned Small Businesses over the hurdles to start-up.
The SBA broke some really significant records last year: small loans under the SBA’s Community Advantage loan program went from $56 ½ million to $200 million – that’ an 80% jump. More importantly, we were able to get more capital those who need it the most.
Women’s lending was up 19%, and
Minority lending was up 26.5%.
We also broke the record for contracts to women-owned businesses, nearing our 5% goal for government contracting. Starting next month, for the first time, eligible women-owned business can bid for sole-source contracts. This is a great victory for women because now women-owned firms will have the same access as other underserved businesses in federal contracting. We’re now pushing forward on our process to get more 3rd party certifiers so more women entrepreneurs can benefit from the Women-Owned Small Business Contracting Program.
We are also excited about the SBA’s second round of our InnovateHER Business Challenge, building on the success of our 2015 challenge, where more than 100 organizations took part, reaching 1,000 entrepreneurs across the country. The SBA is looking to unearth products or services that have a measurable impact on women and their families, fill a need in the marketplace, and have the potential for commercialization. The semi-final competition winners will be invited to the National InnovateHER Summit in March 2016 in Washington, D.C. during Women’s History Month. The finalists will pitch their products and ideas to a panel of expert judges and compete for $70,000 in prize money provided by Microsoft.
Woman-Owned Small Businesses: How to Get Started
Designating your business as an official Woman-Owned Small Business (WOSB) can potentially open your business to additional opportunities. For those of you thinking of registering as a WOSB, here are some steps to consider:
The first step is to make sure that you are running a legal business. Business registration includes everything from obtaining a tax ID to naming your business, registering with local government, and applying for local business licenses. Visit this page to get started.
The next step is asking yourself if you need a woman owned designation. Is it a must-have? Not necessarily – but there are certainly benefits to the designation. For example, some government contracts are set aside for businesses with specific designations including women, minority, veteran, and disabled-veteran-owned businesses. You must obtain a certification to designate your business as one of these business types if you want to be considered for set-aside contracts. For more information regarding contracting visit the contracting support page.
To bid on state contracts, you have to register with your state procurement office, which can also provide you with useful tips on doing business with your state as well as a list of current opportunities. Similar to the Federal government, state governments set aside business opportunities through government contracts for specific business types. These contracts and their requirements differ from state to state, but typically, you need to be certified as a specific business type to take advantage of these programs.
Visit the State Contracting Opportunities page to find out more about your state’s certification programs.
In addition to Federal and state designations, you can register your business with non-government organizations and certification agencies. Each certification body offers different benefits for businesses that qualify, including business fairs, networking opportunities, training programs, financing options, and more.
Designations such as WOSB help to level the playing for women who own small businesses. Although there has been an increase in female business ownership, we still have work to do! SBA services and resources are there to help you lead the charge in supporting woman’s equality, especially as it pertains to small business ownership.
What WOSB are you celebrating for National Women’s Small Business Month?

October 2015 Events

October 09, 2015 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

BizMix: Meet the Newsroom
Connect with Pittsburgh business professionals at BizMix, an evening networking event presented by the Pittsburgh Business Times. The Business Times editorial team will be in attendance for this special BizMix: Meet the Newsroom event.

BizMix is a way to make those connections that will help you grow your business. Bring plenty of business cards and get ready to make new acquaintances. Most of this open-house style event will be informal networking. This is also a great opportunity to meet and visit with Business Times editors, reporters and staff in an informal setting.

Your reservation includes:

Delicious hors d’oeuvres and appetizers
Two drink tickets
Date: October 7, 2015
Time: 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Place: Grand Concourse, 100 West Station Square Drive,
Pittsburgh PA 15219
Host: Pittsburgh Business Times
Cost: $35 (10% discount for Business Times subscribers)
RSVP: Suggested by October 5th

Philanthropic Networking at one-hour, quarterly meetings! Nominate your favorite Women’s non-profit locally and globally for a chance to win up to $10,000! Your commitment of $100 per quarter is 100% tax deductible so join now and nominate your favorite non-profit!

Anyone can attend once with no commitment. Cash Bar and
Food Available.

Date: October 7, 2015
Time: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
Place: DoubleTree By Hilton – Cranberry
Host: Inspired Women Paying it Forward
Cost: $100 (100% goes to voted upon charity)
RSVP: not necessary

Questions: call Debra Dion Krischke at 724-935-6100

For more information or to join: www.InspiredWomen.com

Think Big Forum 2015

The Center is celebrating our 10th anniversary of serving women entrepreneurs in the greater Pittsburgh region, and as a part of that celebration is highlighting women business owners in the Pittsburgh area who innovate for women in their products or services. The Think Big Forum Theme: By Women, For Women, Celebrating 10 Years of Entrepreneurship in Pittsburgh. Join us for an evening celebrating the advancement of women entrepreneurs with the owners and founders of Blu Salt, Marinus Analytics, Nikki’s Magic Wand, and Trusst Lingerie!

Date: October 13, 2015
Time: 5:00-6:00 pm Networking Reception*
6:00-8:00 pm Speaker Forum
*Light appetizers and refreshments will be provided at the
Networking Reception
Place: Eddy Theatre, Chatham University, Shadyside
Host: The Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship at Chatham University
Cost: $45, $25 for Non-Chatham Students and Veterans,
and free for Chatham University Students, Faculty, & Staff
RSVP: Suggested by October 8

Questions? Contact Patricia Decker at 412-365-2779 or pdecker@chatham.edu

Give a 1-2 minute commercial for your business.
* Bring business cards, brochures, and samples.
* Make new business contacts.

Dates and Locations:

Oct. 14- Mount Lebanon, The Devonshire of Mount Lebanon,
1050 McNeilly Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15226
RSVP: email Carol Briney at Carol@CarolABriney.com

Oct. 28- Fox Chapel, Comfort Inn (Old Holiday Inn) in RIDC Park,
Ohara Twp
RSVP: email Carol Briney at Carol@CarolABriney.com

Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Cost: $18 (Bring cash; No-shows will be billed for the lunch)
RSVP: By Monday prior to the event

Network After Work is America’s premier face-to-face business
networking company with monthly mixer events in over 40 cities
catering to nearly one million members. Attendees make valuable
connections with other members of their business community while
enjoying different exciting venues including clubs, restaurants,
hotels and special event locations. Events attract a diverse mix
of up to several hundred professionals from all industries and
career levels. It all takes place on a weekday right after work
in a fun and relaxed atmosphere conducive to making connections.

Name-tags color coded by industries help sort through the many
opportunities while a free drink and light bites before 7 p.m.
helps get the ball rolling right from the start.

Date: October 15, 2015
Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Place: Latitude 360, 200 Quinn Dr, Pittsburgh PA 15275
Host: Network After Work
Cost: $15 in advance /$20 with RSVP at door/$25 without RSVP
RSVP: Suggested by October 12

Come be a part of the longest running networking luncheon in the
Pittsburgh area. Bring 50 business cards or brochures to hand
out and be prepared to give a short presentation on your business
to introduce yourself to other business women and professionals.

Date: October 16, 2015
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Place: To be announced
Cost: $25.00 (Prepayment required)
RSVP: By October 14th

Questions: Contact Suzanne at Suzanne@womenspowerlunch.com
or 724-452-5152.

Transform Your Life with Big Results Workshop

Presented by Carol A. Briney and Mary Lee Gannon

Transform your life or career with the results-oriented “Create a Life that Tickles Your Soul Workshop”

The workshop includes your own Personal Plan Workbook, copies of books from each presenter, breakfast and accountability guidelines to make your dream happen. This program is perfect for those who: are tired of books and seminars that sound great but nothing changes; want to advance in their career; are in career transition; are empty nesters; are just not sure which path to take; want to have a fun and walk away with clarity and a concrete plan to make their dream a reality.

Attendee take-aways:

* Defined unique values and strengths to make the right decisions.
* Breakthrough what holds you back and achieve the personal and professional success you desire.
* Stop comparing your worst to other people’s best and shine in the next phase of your life.
* Stop just setting goals and start being accountable to achieve them.
* Leave this event with an action plan that will tickle your soul and give you a bullet-proof road map for success.

Date: October 24, 2015
Time: 8:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Place: Comfort Inn in RIDC Park in O’Hara Township, Pittsburgh
Cost: $89 by October 20; $99 after (space permitting)

Jazz Happy Hour Networking

A casual twice-a month networking event for those interested in
business innovation in Pittsburgh. A jazz, soul and blues
happy hour show plus open-mike interviews with local executives.

Created by Jessica Lee, a successful entrepreneur and musician,
Jessica Lee’s Jazz Happy Hour promotes live music in downtown
Pittsburgh and assists the entrepreneurial networking of the
region with funding and partnering opportunities.

Date: October 28, 2015
Time: 6:00 - 8 p.m.
Place: Rivers Club, One Oxford Center, Pittsburgh, PA
Host: Jessica Lee
Cost: $5 (hors d’ouevres included)

Jazz Networking events are held on the second and final
Wednesdays of each month. For information on upcoming events,

Fall Energies Shift & Move us along to the next Season of the Year

October 09, 2015 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

Yvonne Phillips FSII

Spring brings forth the large energy force of Yang because of all of the growth in nature. It is needed to encourage all plant life to stand up and shine for us! In the fall, the weather shifts and changes into a Yin energy which is a lot softer and easier for us to navigate. All of a sudden children are back to school, work becomes more serious and we start are winter journey of being more of a private person. During the summer days we are out and about in public places and see a lot of people and that shifts once the weather changes.

It is very important that we make allowance for these changes and help the energy move in the right direction now. All of the great chi earth energy comes right through the front entrances of our homes. I strongly encourage you to walk outside and stand back at the curb and look at your front entrance way.

Check out the gardens or bushes or trees that are located in this area. How are they doing? Most of the profusely flowering bushes have settled down and are in need of pruning and cleaning up of the dead leaves and flowers that have fallen to the ground. I have started this process and I can hardly wait to bring out the jewel tone colors of the chrysanthemums. Their brilliant colors will create the pop in your garden and surrounding your house with the warmth of fall. The deep oranges, the brilliant purples and bright yellow colors will lift our energy. Be sure to take a look at them when you come home from work!

I always see the autumn as a wonderful time of the year. The weather is perfect, kids are back to school and there is excitement in the air when the first bus pulls up to retrieve your child and move him back in to the world of education instead of the world of play. This is a hugh transformation to undertake for all of us, schedules change and we have to get back to a regiment and most of us would prefer not to do this yet. We want to hang onto our summers just a little bit longer.

While you are at the curb area, look at your front entrance way, what is going on there? Are the flowers dead; is anything in need of de-cluttering? Have you thought about what is next for your gardens? Now is the time to purchase the flowering tulip and daffodil bulbs that you love to see in the spring. A front door entrance way looks great with the addition of two tall plants at the door or two large statues. They then become protectors’ of your front door and your family. It is just as if you have placed two large Lion Statues in the space.

Now take a look at the front door, is it in need of painting? Replace any Welcome Mats if necessary, anything with a touch of red is great. Pull out those wreathes and make sure that they are looking good! If not replace or re-glue anything that needs repaired. Check out the bow, maybe it is time for a new one!

Are your light posts clean and have new bulbs in them and is the brass cleaned on the front door and light post? Remember this is what others see when they come to your home to visit with you.

Now move into the entrance way into your home. Is it welcoming to everyone that walks through the door? If not, add some great artwork or floral arrangements that give your guests something to look at when they walk in the door. A subtle touch of aromatherapy here works wonders! All of these details will help anchor in the fall season quickly and easily for you. Happy Fall!