Women’s Independent Press

Informing Women About Our World


October 16, 2010 By: admin Category: Consumer Education


Don’t depend on the candidates ads for information about their records on issues, instead go to: politifact.com or FactCheck.org  and find out the facts.


The Status of Elected Women in Pennsylvania

Currently, Pennsylvania is ranked 46th in the nation in terms of women’s representation in the state legislature, down from 44th after the 2006 election.  Out of the 253 seats available in the General Assembly, women hold 10 seats in the Senate and 27 seats in the house, only 14.6 percent.  If female representation in the PA legislature matched female representation in the state’s adult population, Pennsylvania women would hold 133 seats.   Pennsylvania currently does not have a woman holding a statewide office and has never elected a woman to Governor. 

Why should women run for office? 

Women elected officials, both liberal and conservative, show greater support for equal rights for women and the protection of reproductive rights than their male counterparts.  Research has shown that women officeholders not only introduce and shape policy, they make sure that their policies are advanced in the legislature.  Women bring a broader viewpoint to the debate and are more apt to engage their legislative colleagues on the other side of the aisle.  Increasing the range of issues that are being discussed and diversifying the people who are discussing them, helps develop new solutions to the issues that are affecting women.


Don’t depend on the candidates ads for information about their records on issues, instead go to: politifact.com or FactCheck.org  and find out the facts.


Don’t depend on the candidates ads for information about their records on issues, instead go to: politifact.com or FactCheck.org  and find out the facts.

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