Women’s Independent Press

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Why should I use the color Yellow in my Kitchen?

July 07, 2014 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

Yvonne Phillips FSII
Feng Shui Business Coach
Feng Shui for Basic Everyday Living!


Any of the shades of the Earth tones are great for your kitchen.
The kitchen has a lot of the fire Energy already because of the big energy of your appliances.
So the trick now is to balance it with the Earth element. It can be any of the earth tones, yellows through the orange tones.

Do not use the color red in your kitchen because you are actually adding fuel to the fire element. This can make for heated discussions in the kitchen and crabby, grumpy people! Negative energy will also affect the making of your food.

Refresh your kitchen by cleaning out the cabinets of old spices and down size all of those extra items that are hiding in the back. Check out your pots & pans, do they fit in the cabinet?

Do you have old décor on the tops of your cabinets? Time to refresh and cleanse the area.

Add new fresh energy to the space with opening windows to shift the old stale air out and bring fresh chi to all in the kitchen.

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