Women’s Independent Press

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Looking to Attract New Clients?

May 19, 2013 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

ByNancy J. Wintner, APR

Looking to attract new clients? Wondering how to be different so prospects buy from you rather than your competition?
Most businesses struggle daily with these questions. That’s why I’m going to reveal a simple, yet powerful secret to attracting new clients: give prospects the information they want.

You’re probably thinking, “I do this every day and have a list of satisfied clients to prove it.” Yet, despite a successful track record, you’re still not attracting many new clients. Could it be that your marketing addresses what you think is important rather than what prospects want?
Many companies focus on self-promotion stressing the features and methodologies of their offerings. As a busy decision maker, will this entice you to change the status quo? Or, is your bottom line, what’s in it for me?

Consider this. When a new client comes aboard, you put his/her interests first. You work hard to provide quality service and products to ensure customer satisfaction. Consequently, repeat business rolls in the door. Apply this client-centric philosophy to prospecting and you’ll stand out from the competition. Believe it or not, most businesses don’t put prospects’ interests first and wonder why their marketing fails.

Ready to attract more clients? Here are nine tips to growing a more profitable business in 2013:

1.Understand Your Target Market. Who is your ideal client? How do you find this individual? What motivates this person to buy? Correct and effective targeting is the most important element to attracting new clients.

2.Create a Compelling Message. In this age of information overload, you must immediately stop prospects in their tracks. Wow overburdened decision makers with a memorable message that speaks their language, targets their specific audience and addresses prospects’ needs.

3.Make Prospects #1 in All Marketing Endeavors. This includes ads, letters, websites, marketing materials, networking, conversations, even business cards. Demonstrate that you understand prospects’ challenges and unveil your solution(s) to their obstacles.

4.Demonstrate Value. Prospects won’t change unless they understand your value and how it’s significantly better than their status quo. Instead of self-promotion, show how you can improve customers’ lives and make a difference.

5.Educate Prospects, Don’t Sell. Prospects run when they sense a sales pitch is coming. An education-based approach builds trust, credibility and relationships. Helpful information, not hype, will attract new clients.

6.Give Prospects A Reason to Buy Today. Explain the consequences of waiting. Prospects don’t buy because they understand. They buy because they feel understood.

7.Showcase A Proven Track Record. Use testimonials and case studies to attract your ideal client. These are more credible than self-promotion and prove you grasp prospects’ issues.

8.Create and Initiate Referral Plans. Understand referrals from the clients’ point of view. Educate and motivate clients to become raving fans.

9.Create memorable experiences to exceed clients’ expectations.

Is Your Marketing Plan Working? If not, put prospects’ interests first and you’ll see results. A carefully calculated plan can boost sales and increase profits.
Ready to triumph over your competition? Put these tips into action, and prospects will reward you with their business.

Nancy J. Wintner, APR, Owner, GWN Consultants Marketing & Public Relations, specializes in helping companies attract new clients. Contact Nancy at 412-681-9314 or Nancy@gwnconsultants.com

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