Women’s Independent Press

Informing Women About Our World

Did you Know?

November 05, 2012 By: admin Category: Consumer Education

That Not all American voters have always been allowed to participate in elections?

That Because of slavery, African-American males were not given the right to vote until 5 years after Civil War was over?

That the 15th Amendment gave African-Americans the right to vote in 1870?

That Women did not receive the right to vote in the United States until 1920 (the 19th Amendment).?

That there are still some states that do not allow felons to vote?

That simply put, voting is how you can help to determine who will run the government of your country?

That voting in every election is how one person makes her/his voice heard to those people in charge?

That one vote does matter?

That the 2000 presidential election was decided by fewer than 600 votes in the state of Florida?

That many local and state elections have been decided by even fewer overall votes?

If you think something is wrong , either with your registration or local polling place, contact the election board in your district and your state.

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