Women’s Independent Press

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Archive for June 29th, 2011

July Business Calendar

June 29, 2011 By: admin Category: Business Library Schedule, Consumer Education

Business Program Series

July 2011

Programs are held on Thursdays at 12:15 pm at Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh – Downtown & Business, 612 Smithfield Street, Downtown. They are free and open to the public.

Thursday, July 7 Other People’s Money: How Vanguard’s John Bogle Wants to Fix the Mutual Fund Industry and Wall Street
Lewis Braham, Author – The House That Bogle Built

The public’s opinion of Wall Street has almost never been lower than it is today. What went wrong and how can it be fixed? John Bogle, the founder of Vanguard Funds, sees the problem as a shift from an ownership society in which shareholders came first, to an agency society in which Wall Street is out for its own financial gain. Join us as Lewis Braham, author of The House that Bogle Built, discusses Bogle’s vision for a better investment world and how Vanguard Funds is different from its competitors.

Thursday, July 14 Organizing for Success
Dennis Snedden, Time Management Services

If you feel overwhelmed and underorganized and want to get more done, have a greater sense of satisfaction from what you’ve accomplished or go home on time more often, this program is for you! When you follow Mr. Snedden’s practical suggestions, you’ll discover how quickly they can increase productivity in both your professional and personal life.

Thursday, July 21 What is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does it Matter?
Nancy Stampahar
Silver Lining Solutions

Whether at work or home, your ability to at least adapt or thrive in any given situation will be determined by your intrapersonal and interpersonal skills. Ms. Stampahar will explain why having a highly developed Emotional Intelligence (EQ), also known as people or street smarts, can contribute to your success, happiness and fulfillment.

Thursday, July 28 King Corn: You Are What You Eat
(DVD – 90 minutes)

When two friends from Boston realize that corn or corn syrup is used in most of the products they eat, especially junk food that can shorten their life span, they are determined to find out more about “King” corn. They set out for Iowa and persuade a local farmer to lease them one acre of his land for a year, where they plant corn and follow it through the year to harvesting. In the process, they learn about farm subsidies, genetically engineered seeds, and why most of Iowa’s corn will eventually be used to produce cattle feed, ethanol, and high-fructose corn syrup.